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Provides quality Early Childhood Education services for birth to five and pregnant women by incorporating Lakota Value and promoting self-sufficiency


We, the Sicangu Lakota Oyate Head Start/Early Head Start value our children, families and community agencies through:

  • Teaching and modeling Lakota Values

  • Creating an enriched learning environment that supports individual child development families and staff

  • Advocating for all children, families and community agencies;

  • Empowering and supporting positive growth for our children, families, and staff​

Our Core Values

  • Recognizing that children, families, and staff have roots in many cultures and that by working as a team we can effectively promote respectful, sensitive, and proactive approaches to diversity.

  • Promoting life-long learning in supportive learning environments.

  • Nurturing the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development of each child.

  • Fostering community partnerships to support families and children during and after the Head Start experience.

  • Valuing individuality while recognizing that children and adults develop and prosper within the context of relationships.

  • Empowering families to achieve self-sufficiency by identifying their own strengths, needs, and interests while finding solutions and making positive changes.

  • Implementing shared decision making as a collective responsibility of families, governing bodies, and staff where ideas and opinions are heard and respected.

  • Supporting healthy behaviors that enhance wellness.

Our Core Principles

  • Parents are a child’s first “teacher” and most important influence throughout their life.

  • Families must be encouraged to help themselves.

  • Services must be future-oriented; offering skills, knowledge, and intervention that can be expanded by the family and child after the Head Start experience ends.

  • Community services must be maximized and not in any way duplicated. 

  • A child’s physical health must be improved or maintained for intervention to be successful. 

  • Patterns and expectations of success for the child must be established to create a climate of confidence for present and future learning and development.

  • The sense of dignity and self-worth within the child and family must be enhanced. 

  • Programs should be designed to meet local needs.

  • Services should be individualized and development.

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