Sicangu Lakota Oyate Early Childhood Program
Here is the current enrollment openings for our Head Start and Early Head Start classrooms;
EHS Vacancies-
St. Francis
Sungmanitu Cika Classroom (6 Weeks to 1 year old)- 2 Prenatals
Tatanka Classroom (13 months to 2 years old) - 3 Vacancies
Kimimila (6 weeks to 18 months)- 1 Prenatal
Sunka Wakan Classroom (19 months to 36 months) - 1 vacancy
Also an important message about Attendance-
This is taken from the Sicangu Lakota Oyate Head Start/Early Head Start Program Attendance Policy
1. When a child is unexpectedly absent and a parent has not contacted the program, the center Staff MUST attempt to contact the parent to ensure the well-being of the child.
With this being said the Parents NEED TO CONTACT THE STAFF when their child is going to be gone for the day. Remember it is for the well-being of the child.
(This policy came from the Head Start Performance Standards)
2. All Head Start/Early Head Start Classrooms Must maintain and Average Daily Attendance of 85%. So Please its important that you send your child to school.
Updated: 1/8/25
RST Head Start Program
Recruitment Video
Announcements from ERSEA Area:
According to the Head Start Performance Standards, The Head Start/Early Head Start Program must maintain an 85% Average Daily Attendance for each day. If your child is going to be absent please contact your Child’s Teacher and let them know. Attendance is VERY important and we must adhere to the HS Performance Standards. Just a reminder when you don’t let your child’s Classroom staff know that your child wont be in the Teachers will be calling you the parents to see why the child isn’t there. If your child misses two consecutive days the Family Advocate will be out to do a home visit to let you know of the importance of attending school. If the child is still not attending an Attendance Contract will be signed by you the parent, the Family Advocate and the ERSEA Manager. The Family Advocate will do what she can to assist the child to make sure the child is going to school. Please work with the Classroom Staff and the Family Advocates to ensure that your child is getting the best education and be ready for Kindergarten.